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Github App for Sumo Logic

Use key metrics to gauge the health and security of your releases

Release secure, reliable code faster with real-time visibility into GitHub insights

Visualize key insights ingested directly from GitHub Webhooks, audit logs and GitHub Advanced Security events. Out-of-the-box dashboards, searches and alerts make it easy for developers and security engineers to quickly understand repository and commit activity, normal and anomalous user activity, as well as advanced security alerts generated from secrets scanning, code scanning and Dependabot.

Monitor Release Candidates

Gauge release health

Anticipate potential volatility and get indicators that your release may be at risk.

Enable Devops

Visualize team productivity

Showcase your organization’s GitHub usage and highlight patterns in user behavior.

Secure Intellectual Property

Advanced security and alerts

Visualize GitHub Advanced Security insights like key code scanning, secrets scanning and Depandabot alerts

Ready to work smarter with your data?

Get up and running in minutes. Start your free trial today!